Friday, December 23, 2016

Poinsettias will forever be linked to Christmas

Poinsettias will forever be linked to Christmas... and I can't imagine
Christmas without a Poinsettia...

You know that the Bloom is actually the Glistening Yellow Berries in the center of the colored "Bracts" or Petals...

And that Poinsettias are harmless... they are not poisonous- as folk lore may have you believe (I've eaten them on TV more than a few times... and still here to tell about it...)

Now these Amazing Flowers come in a wide variety of colors...
I've got (Clockwise from Top Left- Jingle Bells, Pink Marble, Ice Punch, Leaf on Jingle Bells and Orange Spice... adding to my holiday decorations...

Poinsettias are amazing.... and certainly a herald of the Christmas Holiday!

P.S. Wishing you and yours a Flower Filled Christmas - full of LOVE and Happiness! Merry Christmas...

#normanlove #christmas 

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