Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A Hemiparasite Plant... this unique - "Christmas related" Foliage has bright white berries... and lives it's life attached to a host tree...while it does suck 'lifeforce" out of the host tree.. it also gains energy from the sun with it's leaves...

Oregon State University Horticulture Department proved that Mistletoe... while living off a host tree... are an important part of a vital and healthy natural ecosystem because it provides food and shelter to bugs, birds and a few mammals...

In Oregon some forms of Mistletoe actually provide habitats for the Endangered Spotted Owl...

Commercial Mistletoe is harvested with shotguns... that blast apart the dense collectives that form in the branches of trees... 

P.S. That's alot to think about... while you're waiting for your kiss this Christmas Eve!!!

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